Creative Expression at Winter Art Exhibit from The Winchendon School

by Angela Richard
Hear No Speak No See No Tina Liu '13
Hear No Speak No See No Tina Liu'13
More than fifty students’ work is represented in The Winchendon School’s Winter Art Exhibit this year, which opened on Monday evening, January 28th, 2013. Students taking Afternoon Ceramics with Renee Malowitz and Art Portfolio with Joanna Draugsvold exhibited art work accomplished during the first semester, including water colors, mixed media, oil paintings, hand-crafted pottery, small sculptures, acrylic paintings, pastel portraits, hand painted cups and bowls, and graphite drawings. A number of art students have chosen to work in both sessions of art, giving them the opportunity to work in two-dimensional media as well as three-dimensional clay. This year the School has expanded its offerings to three sessions in the winter to allow more flexibility for athletes to engage in the arts.

The program is directed by Joanna who was appointed as Director of Creative Programs in 2008. With a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (M.A.L.S.) from Wesleyan University, Joanna shares her passion for art and history with her students and encourages self-expression through the arts. Renee Malowitz, who teaches Afternoon Ceramics, is an artist and arts educator who received her education from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and has worked at the School since 2012.

The next art show will be held at the Mount Wachusett Community College High School Art Exhibit reception on April 11th at the college gallery from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The following evening select students, mostly graduating seniors, will be showing their work at The Greater Gardner Art Association Spring Art Exhibit in the category of high school and college art. In past years, several Winchendon students have earned art awards at these shows for their outstanding work.

This past fall, a number of students from all grade levels participated in the Jaffrey Civic Center Fall Art Exhibit by invitation of the Curator. The only artists in this juried show under eighteen years of age included freshman Cathy Wang and Mankit Mau, junior Henry Wang, and seniors Crystal Ngoje and Tina Liu. Tina has been accepted to The Art Institute of Chicago and will matriculate there in the fall as a design major. Crystal and Henry are also expecting to attend art colleges in ’13 and ’14 to pursue careers in design.
The Winchendon School Winter Art Show will hang in the Dining Hall until late April when the students’ work from the Spring semester will open. Sculptures, pots, and ceramic wall hangings also reside in the window alcoves along Ash Street and facing Cottage for all to see. Click here to view samples of work from the current art show thanks to the photographic efforts of Eliott Harvey and Angela Richard.
