Popular Tenth Grade Creative Writing Printables

9781557990297Short Story Sequencing by Joy Evans  contains 20 stories of familiar How to activities, each told in four or six brief segments, that your students can cut and paste into a logical sequence.

Each of the 20 stories is illustrated with line art of a fuzzy bear doing fun things like washing his dog, painting a fence or eating a pizza. The stories are written in simple sentences using pictures to illustrate difficult vocabulary.

Amazon reviewer Denyse Roberts  said:
I bought this book for my 6 year old daughter, who is in the first grade. This book helps me reinforced what she is doing in school. My daughter and I love this book and it is helping her understanding sequencing order in a story, like what comes first, second, third, fourth and so on.

This book is about putting 20 short stories in the right sequencing order. Ten stories are consists of 4 sentences and the other ten are consists of 6 sentences. The stories are written in simple sentences using pictures to illustrate any difficult vocabulary. Your child has to put the sentences in the correct order then paste them down in the book. For example: The picture will say “How to Feed the Cat” then it will have a picture of a bear feeding a cat with a dish in his hand. There will be 4 sentences at the bottom of the page, (1). “Take the lid off the can”, (2). “Call your cat”, (3). “Put the cat food in the dish”, (4). “Get a can of cat food and a dish”. You will cut those sentences out of the book and have your child figure out the correct sequence order the story supposed to go in. Then your child will paste it in the correct order back in the book.
You can tear the pages out of this book and makes copies if you want your child to practise the exercises over and over. The pages are thick enough so the glue wouldn’t seep through the pages. Overall this is a good book and it will challenge your child and have them thinking.
Prepare your tenth-grade students for high school and beyond, with these popular creative writing printables from TeacherVision. These activities will help your class perfect their writing, creative, and analytical skills. Their site includes tips for aspiring writers, journaling prompts, literal and figurative language worksheets, scoring rubrics, character analysis exercises, vocabulary builders, self-assessment guides, literature extension activities, cross-curricular projects, and much more!
Their printables include:
Scoring Rubric: Poetry
Student Proofreading Checklist
Creative Writing with Photo Inspiration
The “I Remember” Poem
Great Teacher
Scoring Rubric: Research Report/Paper
Short Story Rubric
Poetry Terms Quiz
Life’s Not Always Fair
Creating Mental Pictures with Metaphors
Poetic Language in “Memories of Christmas”
Scoring Rubric: Summary
The House on Mango Street Writing Activity
Scoring Rubric: Response to Literature
Taking a Stand
Slaughterhouse-Five Projects
Scoring Rubric: Cause-Effect
Initial Self-Assessment: Writing
Scoring Rubric: How-to/Process Explanation
Writing Self-Assessment
Wacky Situation: A Dog’s Dilemma
Answer to an Unasked Question
Scoring Rubric: Evaluation/Review
Speak to Me in Iambic
Scoring Rubric: Persuasion
Scoring Rubric: Technical Description / Explanation
Scoring Rubric: Expression
Scoring Rubric: Description
Portfolio Record
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