Undercover Detective Is Arrested in Motorcycle Gang Attack on S.U.V.

An undercover New York City police detective who was among a group of motorcyclists chasing a sport utility vehicle on the West Side of Manhattan last month was arrested on Tuesday evening for his role in the episode, in which the vehicle was damaged and the driver was beaten, the police said.

According to The New York Times, The detective, Wojciech Braszczok, 32, was off duty at the time, and had told his lawyer that, while he had followed the motorcyclists from the Henry Hudson Parkway onto a Washington Heights street, he left once some of the riders began attacking the vehicle. But investigators found his story suspicious from the beginning — in part because the detective took several days to come forward after the violent and chaotic episode on Sept. 29, said a law enforcement official, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity because the detective had not yet been arraigned.
On the flip side, the bikers say We're the victims. According to the video below: The controversy over the road rage incident among some motorcycle riders and an SUV driver is growing. Two bikers are under arrest, and now other bikers involved say the range rover driver must share part of the blame. I spoke to some of them in an exclusive interview inside a biker club headquarters. Edwin Mieses of Boston lies in intensive care at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital with serious spinal injuries and two broken legs. Fellow riders say he is the biker who is seen in the video being run over by the Range Rover. It all started when one rider -- identified as Christopher Cruz, who is under arrest -- slowed down and was allegedly tapped by the SUV.

Berger "Choppa" Matthew, a construction worker, was there, video blogger djgabrielpresents says.

 He said he is the one seen in the video trying to open the door of the SUV. He said what began as an accident turned into road rage -- on the part of the SUV driver. Matthews said they were worried the driver would hit someone else, so they chased him up one of New York City's busiest highways. Matthews said he ran up to the door and wanted to pull out the keys so no one else would be hit. The video shows the Range Rover drive off and knock another rider off his bike. That biker asked Fox 5 to protect his identity.
