Invest in Yourself: Business Coaching from Joel Lund Trusted Advisor 3D Workshop Thursday, June 25th

by Michael Strickland

Doing what you’ve done will get you what you’ve got.

This quote is attributed to Henry Ford and Tony Robbins. Either way, it comes from phenomenally successful leaders and speaks a truth that resonates deeply with people. Because it speaks to habits. It reveals both our need for change and our willingness to do so, while alluding to our inclination to complain about it.

Ouch. Sometimes the truth hurts, even while it sets us free.

Another truth is that the first half of 2015 is about to wrap. Which begs the question: are you where you wanted to be at this point in the year?

Over many years, Joel Lund has worked hundreds of times with trusted advisors. This includes countless hours spent in mid-year business plan reviews. Regardless of the year or the advisor, the gap between where each advisor planned to be at July 1st and where they were was significant, with only the rarest exceptions.


They kept doing the same things while expecting different results. Einstein said that is the definition of insanity. Which means many business people behave as if they are insane. Again, ouch.

Happily, it doesn’t have to be that way. The solution is simple enough, but that doesn’t mean it is easy to find. Only one thing is required to dramatically improve results: a force multiplier.

Here Joel is again inviting you to attend a Trusted Advisor 3D Webcast (Thursday, June 25th, from 8am-10am). Be assured of this: in two hours you will be given a force multiplier. You will be trained how to use the tool. You will be empowered to begin doing things differently than before.

And because of it you will finally get different—and powerful—results.

Invest in yourself. Register now: click here

PS: The truth is, this event should cost more…a lot more. Soon, it will.
PPS: You can wait, delay, stall and dither or, worst of all, hope something will just happen in the 2nd half of 2015 that helps you reach your goals. Hope is not a business plan.
PPPS: If—somehow—you determine you didn’t receive enough value to offset your investment in a TA3D, we’ll gladly refund your money. So you have nothing to lose.

As always, please contact me with any questions you have. Seating is limited. Go here to learn more and register.
