Author Michael Strickland: Info and Resources

Michael Strickland teaches literacy education at Boise State University. and has published a dozen books, see

"Publishing is a wonderful journey that I would recommend for anyone," Michael writes. Here is another one of his web resources for anyone who needs more support: "Get Published: Free Tips and Resources" (on Facebook). An avid book reviewer, "Hopefully I will write about your book next!" Michael writes.

And there are many platforms on which you can follow his  work.

They include:

Free advice about how to get published: Michael Strickland
Michael Strickland Boise, Idaho – Google+
Michael Strickland Boise, Idaho Twitter
Michael Strickland Idaho – YouTube

Michael Strickland Boise Idaho

Idaho Leader Podcast: Michael Strickland, successful Boise writer and educator, shares his story with the Idaho Leader podcast community.  Michael shares humorous lessons from early childhood in New Jersey, challenges faced at Cornell and Seton Hall, and self-publishing advice gained from writing over a dozen books including, Poems Throughout the School Day: Using Poetry Across the Curriculum.

Author shares the 'magic of words' | Idaho County Free Press
